In 1699 French explorers named this area baton rouge (red stick) when they came upon a reddened cypress pole that Bayagoulas and Houma Native Americans had staked in the ground to mark the boundaries of their respective hunting territories. From one pole grew a lot of sprawl; Baton Rouge stretches out in an unplanned clutter in many directions. Visitors are mostly drawn to Baton Rouge for Louisiana State University (LSU) and Southern University; the latter is one of the largest historically African American universities in the country.

I would like to thank the following sponsors for providing us information about Baton Rouge for this research project. PrimeFirst Inspections has been serving the Baton Rouge real estate industry for many years and is proud to be one of the only independent home inspectors in the area. They serve the surrounding area as well, so give them a call when you are deciding on your next home purchase. Check them out here:
Here are some of the best routes to take to get out to Central.
Here is a popular route among students at LSU.